carpet myths

Carpet Cleaning Myth: Home Carpet Cleaning Machines Offer a Similar Cleaning Ability When Compared with a Professional Carpet Cleaning

Fact: Home carpet cleaning machines can be helpful when properly used but they tend to saturate the carpet with water and are not powerful enough to extract the water and other cleaning products back out of the carpet. This can leave the carpet wet for days, which can make it vulnerable to mold and mildew. Residue left in the carpet can cause it to age at a faster pace, leaving it with a dingy appearance and a tendency to re-soil quickly. Professional cleanings from truck mounted units utilizing hot water extraction ("steam cleaning") by experienced cleaning experts are able to deliver a level of clean that can't even compare to DIY machines and your carpet will be dry in a matter of hours, not days. If you're ready to experience the difference a professional cleaning can make, let us know. We can help!

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