
What You Should Know If You Use Home Cleaning Products On Your Carpet

Have you ever used a home carpet cleaning product and notice your carpet seemed to get re-soiled quickly? Soaps can be responsible for this as they cause rapid re-soiling if not rinsed well from the carpet. If you’ve ever spilled a lot of soap in your sink, you know how long it takes to rinse all the soap out and how much water you had to use in order to do that. Soap in your carpet isn’t easy to remove and you can’t just dump loads of water on it without creating another problem. Do-it-yourself and other home carpet cleaning machines don’t have a strong enough suction to remove it either. In these cases you’ll likely be in need of a professional carpet cleaning utilizing hot water extraction to thoroughly rinse the carpet and remove all the soap and whatever else was applied to it. If you’re in need of a cleaning, let us know. We can help!

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Carpet Care Tip: Wear Slippers or Socks Indoors

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If you’re a big fan of walking around barefoot, you may want to re-consider. Your skin naturally releases moisture which comes out as oils or sweats, which when you walk around barefoot transfers from your foot to the surface of your carpet fibers.  This moisture attracts dust, dirt, and dander and over time it can build up and become noticeable. Wearing your shoes indoors isn’t the answer as that can track in far more contaminants. The best option is to wear socks inside or to have special indoor-only slippers by your front door to put on when you make the transition from outside to inside your home.