Can carpet cleaning cause mold?

If you don’t know what you’re doing, you definitely can. Professional carpet cleaning services from a reputable company with an experienced technician will not cause mold. Carpeting that remains damp for an extended period can create an environment conducive to mildew or mold growth. Proper drying and ventilation are key for mold prevention, along with good cleaning practices and techniques.

Reputable companies utilize techniques and equipment throughout the cleaning process to thoroughly extract moisture from the carpeting and facilitate drying. Our company uses high-powered fans while we clean to expedite the drying process. Since airflow is essential for moisture extraction, opening windows and utilizing ceiling fans are important (provided it's not raining and water could get inside the open window). Humidity regulation may be necessary as well to facilitate the drying process. Letting the carpet completely dry before shutting the home up for an extended period is essential, as moisture does need somewhere to go. Proper cleaning techniques, adequate ventilation, and controlled humidity post-cleaning reduce mold development risk.

DIY (do-it-yourself) carpet cleaning practices carry a far greater risk of mold development. Inexperienced people with good intentions tend to use far too much water and equipment that isn't powerful enough to extract the amount of liquid used thoroughly. When individuals try to clean their carpeting at home, they often use so much water that they penetrate the backing of the carpeting, which gets into the padding and subfloor underneath, and that's when the big problems begin. Liquids that have reached the padding of your carpeting (water, pet urine, laundry soap, soda, etc.) cause problems that most often require replacement. It's also the most likely place mold can develop since the moisture has nowhere to go, creating a perfect breeding ground for this unhealthy organism.

When you choose a reputable professional carpet cleaning service and take action to facilitate the drying process, such as opening windows, utilizing ceiling fans, and allowing the carpet to dry completely before shutting the home up for an extended period, you will not have mold issues. When you use DIY methods (or inexperienced cleaners), mold development is more of a risk.